Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Word Answers

Okay Nealy, you "tagged" me. :) Here we go.
So I guess I have to write one word answers only.

1.Where is your cell phone? Drawer
2. Your significant other? Cuddler
3. Your hair? Cuuuuurly
4. Your mother? Thoughtful
5. Your favorite thing? Dates
6. Your dream last night? Lots
7. Your favorite drink? Coffee. Or wine.
8. Your dream/goal? children
9. What room are you in? living
10. Your fear? ??
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? MN!
12. Where were you last night? home
13. Something that you aren’t? runner
14. Muffins? Cupcakes!
15. Wish list item? house
16. Last thing you did? tv! (Biggest Loser)
17. What are you wearing? PJs
18. Your TV? 17 Kids and Counting (I know it's more than 1 word... but it's my new fav show!)
19. Your pets? nope
20. Friends? Fun!
21. Your life? Good
22. Your mood? Mellow
23. Missing someone? Many
24. Your car? Jeep
25. Something you’re not wearing? makeup
26. Your favorite store? Any
27. Your favorite color? Pink
28. When is the last time you laughed? Class
29. Last time you cried? Tonight
(I recoreded Oprah and watched it tonight and there was a piece on baby Elliot... if you have children or every dream someday of having children, watch this video... it will make you cry! The dad wrote letters to his baby.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th6Njr-qkq0

PS Is there a way of officially "tag" people on blogs?

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